Hello again!
Well, again I don't know if this has been addressed already.. But why is it,
that this spline comes out different every second time I render it? And it
doesn't behave as good as in MegaPOV.. Either the effect of the spline
keywords have deliberately changed ... or it's a bug.
// -- begin
#version 3.5;
camera { right -1.33*x up 1*y direction 1*z location <0,0,8> look_at 0 angle
48 }
light_source { <-25,25,35> color rgb 1.5 }
#declare Rounding_One = spline { cubic_spline
1,<1,1.5,0> }
#declare ctr=0;
#while (ctr<1)
sphere { Rounding_One(ctr),.125 pigment { rgb 1 } }
#declare ctr=ctr+.001;
cylinder { 2*y,1.5*y,.125 translate 1*x pigment { rgb 1 } }
// --- end
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